Adi      : The anatomy exam tomorrow so let's study friend.
Evan   : Yes… but  I'm confused with the anatomy human nervous system last lesson. Can you explain about anatomy human nervous system?
Adi      : Of course….
               Human nervous system is divided into two parts :
1.  Central Nervous System, consists of Brain and Spinal Cord
2.  Peripheral nervous system, consists of spinal nervous / cranial.
The peripheral nervous system subdivided of :
1.         Division of sensory (afferent) will be send impulses to the CNS
-       Somatic afferent - get a stimulus from the skin, muscles, joints
-       Visceral afferent - get a stimulus from the membrane and organ

2.         Division of Motoric (efferent) - from Peripheral nervous system
-       Somatic nervous system (Volunteer) - go to skeletal muscles
-       The autonomic nervous system (involuntary) - to the organs and glands
The autonomic nervous system subdivide of :
i. Sympathetic Division- work when there is danger
ii. Parasympathetic division work when there is relaxed

Evan   : Yes I'm began to understand.
Adi      :  Would you mind teaching me about elektrolit system? because I was do not college last week.
Evan   : of course..Its simple..
  Human body fluids consists of 2 parts:
1.       Intracellular, where the fluid in the outside the cell
Extracellular consist 2 parts:
a.       Intersisial - located is between the cells and dominated by Natrium as the cation and clorida as anion
b.      Intravascular- located inside the blood vessels is dominated by plasma
2.       Intracellular - located in the cell is dominated by kalium as kation and phospat as anion.

Adi      : hmmm .... Im understand .. thank you . I wish we could get do it.
Evan   : hopefully


Medical terminology

Medical terminology is a vocabulary for accurately describing the human body and associated components, conditions, processes and process in a science-based manner. It is to be used in the medical and nursing fields. This systematic approach to word building and term comprehension is based on the concept of: (1) word roots, (2) prefixes, and (3) suffixes. The word root is a term derived from a source language such as Greek or Latin and usually describes a body part. The prefix can be added in front of the term to modify the word root by giving additional information about the location of an organ, the number of parts, or time involved. Suffixes are attached to the end of a word root to add meaning such as condition, disease process, or procedure.
In the process of creating medical terminology, certain rules of language apply. These rules are part of language mechanics called linguistics. So, when a term is developed, some logical process is applied. The word root is developed to include a vowel sound following the term to add a smoothing action to the sound of the word when applying a suffix. The result is the formation of a new term with a vowel attached (word root + vowel) called a combining form. In English, the most common vowel used in the formation of the combining form is the letter -o-, added to the word root.
Prefixes do not normally require further modification to be added to a word root because the prefix normally ends in a vowel or vowel sound, although in some cases they may assimilate slightly and an in- may change to im- or syn- to sym-.
Suffixes are categorized as either (1) needing the combining form, or (2) not needing the combining form since they start with a vowel.
Decoding the medical term is an important process, (See: Morphology). Once experience is gained in the process of forming and decoding medical terminology, the process begins to make sense and becomes easier. One approach involves breaking down the word by evaluating the meaning of the suffix first, then prefix, and finally the word root. This will generally produce a good result for the experienced health care professional. When in doubt, the result should be verified by a medical terminology dictionary. The process of learning a new language, such as medical terminology, is a challenging, yet attainable goal as the basic rules—once learned—make the process easier. (See Applied Linguistics)
One quick online reference is a dictionary search engine. The allows one to enter a medical term into a dialogue box and initiate a search. There are also numerous online medical dictionaries to select from. Once a term is located, the response will be subdivided into several basic formats, including General usage, Medicine, Law, Business, and others.
The use of a medical dictionary or Internet search engine is most helpful in learning the exact meaning of a medical term. However, if the basic concepts of word building are understood, many words are understandable to the student of medical terminology.
Mobile software applications also exist that can help you reference or study Medical Terminology without a internet connection, such as "Quick Medical Terminology And Abbreviation Reference" for the iPhone and "Medical Terminology and Abbrev" for Android.